Jewish cemetery in Chernivtsi

Benjamin Belenky
2 min readApr 7, 2018


The Jewish cemetery of the city of Chernivtsi is located on Zelenaya Street. It was discovered as far back as 1886 and is remarkable for what was originally intended as a garden and park complex. So, the local authorities approached the creation of this cemetery with special scrupulousness.

Initially, his planning involved engineer Relli. It was he who came up with a pragmatic project, like a cemetery, a real work of landscape art. Soon he was joined also by designer Geimbet. Although it is worth noting that the originally provided site did not suit the Jewish community at all with its size. And it is thanks to their serious approach, after a while the cemetery acquired the territory it occupies to this day.

By the way, speaking about the expansion of the site, it can be said that the efforts of the Jews were by no means passive. To get the necessary land then, they began a long process of collecting their own funds for its purchase. This is how almost 14.5 hectares were allocated to the Jewish cemetery. And today you can talk about the number buried by the number of 50,000.

The cemetery is still of value to the inhabitants of Chernivtsi and even to many tourists. A considerable number of famous people were buried here. For example, there is the grave of Edward Rice — a man who was the first Jewish mayor in the city. Or no less important is the grave of Benno Strauher. It was he who for a long time was the chief rabbi of the community, while also serving as deputy to the local Austrian society. In addition to them, you can still long to name the names of outstanding doctors, social activists and cultural figures. And they all found their peace in this Jewish cemetery for the last hundred years.

Based on the latest data, the cemetery is one of the largest preserved old Jewish cemeteries in Central and Eastern Europe. In 1995, by decision of the city council, it was even made part of the historical and cultural reserve. Therefore, its importance is difficult to overestimate today. Having visited it, one can only imagine how much the Jewish community contributed to the development of the city of Chernivtsi.

